Liebe Topcat-Segler und Gäste!
Zwei Jahre nach unserer WM in Kroatien wird es ein neues Großevent in der Topcat-Szene geben. Im Sommermonat August segeln wir unsere Topcat Weltmeisterschaft und Internationale Meisterschaften auf der Ostsee im Balticum.  Jurmala Beach nahe der lettischen Hauptstadt Riga ist unser Eventschauplatz. Von hier aus starten wir 10 Rennen. Nach 5 Wettfahrttagen werden dann die Sieger und Platzierten in einer großen Abschlussveranstaltung gekührt und geehrt.
Auf dieser WM-Seite tragen wir alle notwendigen Informationen und vieles Wissenswertes für euch zusammen. Hier läuft die Registrierung, hier werden alle Beiträge, auch von der Startseite gebündelt.


Dear Topcat sailors and guests!
Two years after our Worlds in Croatia, there will be a new big event in the Topcat scene. In the summer month of August we sail our Topcat World Championship and International Championships on the Baltic Sea. Jurmala Beach near the Latvian capital Riga is our event venue. From here we start 10 races. After 5 days of racing, the competitors will be honored at the price giving ceremony.
On this World Cup page, we provide all the necessary information and much worth knowing for you together. Here is the registration, here are all contributions, bundled also from the start page.

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Notice of Race

Liebe WM-Teilnehmer, die Notice of Race - NOR ist unser verbindliches Dokument zur Durchführung der Topcat Worlds - hier findet ihr alle Informationen ohne Prosa und Redundanz. Also bitte genau lesen.

Dear Participants of the World Championship, the Notice of Race - NOR is our binding document for the implementation of the Topcat Worlds - here you will find all the information without prose and redundancy. So please read carefully.


Topcat K1 World Championship 2018 and

Topcat K2/K3/K3X International Championships

Jurmala/Latvia 2018

Date: 11th August – 17th August 2018 · Marina Malina, Riga Venue: Jurmala, Baltic Sea

1 Rules
1.1  The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2  No national prescriptions will apply.
1.3  International TOPCAT Class Rules and ITCA Championship Rules will apply.
1.4  If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence.

2 Advertising
Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority, in accordance with World Sailing Regulation 20. A breach of this rule might cause a disqualification.

3 Eligibilty and entry
3.1 The World Championship is open to all boats of the TOPCAT Class K1, double handed. The International Championships are open to all boats of the TOPCAT classes K2, single or double handed as well as K3 and K3X single handed, according to the valid Class Rules.
K3 and K3X will start together, but the judging will be separately.
3.2 Each competitor shall be a member of his National Class Association or his
Nation­al Topcat Fleet and of his National Authority or his Sailing Club, which is a member of his National Authority - signed up before May 31st.
3.3 All entries shall be made online at the website of the organizing authority before May 31st:
Entry fee per boat:
Doublehanded 260,00 EUR
Singlehanded 160,00 EUR
Entry fee shall be paid in EUR until May 31st, 2018 by SEPA transfer to:
Hypo Vereinsbank
Account: 657060984
IBAN: DE64700202700657060984
A withdrawal of the entry may be made by email to and will be compensated until May 31st with 100% refund, until June 30th with 50% refund and later than June 30th without refund.
3.4 Late entries and payments will be
accepted under the following conditions:
Later than May 31st: 90.00 E per person on top of ordinary entry fee and
Later than June 30th: 130.00 E per person on top of ordinary entry fee.
3.5 All helmsmen are required to show the original version of their valid third-party liability insurance certificate and the
measurement certificate at the registration office. Copies of those documents will not be accepted.

4 Fees
4.1 Required fees are as follows:
Topcat K1 260.00 EUR
Topcat K2 260.00 EUR double handed; 160.00 EUR singlehanded
Topcat K3/K3X 160.00 EUR
Guests 100.00 EUR

5 Schedule
5.1 Registration:
Friday, August 10th 16.00 hrs - 20.00 hrs
Saturday, August 11th 09.00 hrs - 17.00 hrs
Sunday, August 12th 09.00 hrs - 10.30 hrs
5.2 Measurement and equipment inspection:
Saturday, August 11th 08.00 hrs - 16.30 hrs
Sunday, August 12th 09.00 hrs - 11.00 hrs
5.3 Dates of racing:
Sunday, August 12th practice race
Monday, August 13th racing
Tuesday, August 14th racing
Wednesday, August 15th racing
Thursday, August 16th racing
Friday, August 17th racing
5.4 Number of races / Races per day
Topcat K1 10 /  2
Topcat K2 10 /  2
Topcat K3/K3X 10  / 2
Except Monday, one extra race per day may be sailed, provided that the class will not be more than one race ahead of schedule.
5.5 The scheduled time of the warning signal for the
- practice race is 15.00 hrs.
- first race each day is 11.00 hrs.
5.6 Any change to the schedule of races will be posted on the official notice board by 19.00 hrs on the day before it will take effect.

6 Measurements
Each boat shall have a valid measurement certificate. Each measurement certificate shall be registered in the ITCA register. Each competitor shall ensure that boat and equipment comply with the TOPCAT Class Rules. All boats shall be already measured and shall display the sail number declared on the measurement certificate. A new measurement will not be possible on site. Sails will be marked with a stamp.
Only one boat and one set of sails will be allowed. Any changes of crew and equipment shall be authorized by the chief measurer of World Sailing. Random checks may be made any time during the championships.

7 Sailing instructions
The sailing instructions will be available after 16.00 hrs August 10th, 2018 at registration desk.

8 The courses
Course according to the valid ITCA Championship Rules.

9 Jury
An International Jury will be appointed in
accordance to RRS 91 (b). Decisions of the International Jury will be final as provided in RRS 70.5.

10 Penalty System
For the Topcat K1, K2, K3 and K3X classes RRS 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Pe­nalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.

11 Scoring
11.1 The low point system of RRS appen-
dix A will apply.
11.2 6 races are required to be completed to constitute a series.
(a) When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of its race scores.
(b) When from 5 to 7 races have been com­pleted, a boat’s series score will be the total of its race scores excluding its worst score.
(c) When 8 or more races have been complet­ed, a boat’s series score will be the total of its race scores excluding its two worst scores.

12 Prices
Prizes will be given to the first three teams in each class. All participants will receive a memento. Special prizes by ITCA will be awarded to the Champions of all classes.

13 Disclaimer of Liability
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. Each participant has to sign an exclusion of liability at the registration.

14 Insurance
Each participating boat shall be insured
with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of EUR 3,000,000.00 per event or the equivalent.

15 Social Programme
Opening Ceremony: Saturday, August 11th, 18.00 hrs, Jurmala beach,
Closing Ceremony: Friday, August 17th 19.00 hrs, Jurmala beach.


 PDF NOR for printing


Topcat Worlds Registration


All entries shall be made before May 31st. Please also check the Notice of Race for further details.

Entry fee per boat:

Doublehanded 260,00 EUR
Singlehanded 160,00 EUR

Late entries and payments will be accepted under the following conditions:
Later than May 31st : 90.00 E per person on top of ordinary entry fee and
Later than June 30th : 130.00 E per person on top of ordinary entry fee. 

Please include proper information (name, boat, any guests included) with your bank transfer.

If you have any questions or want to change your registration do'nt hesitate to contact us via email:



Hypo Vereinsbank
Account: 657060984
IBAN: DE64700202700657060984

A withdrawal of the entry may be made by email to and will be compensated until May 31st with 100% refund, until June 30th with 50% refund and later than June 30th without refund.

Boat type


Tshirt size helmsman

T-shirt size

Entrance fee

Boat type Country Sail number HELMSMAN - Last name First name CREW - Last name First name
K2 GER 2721 Kreuzer Andreas Nowag Mia
K1 AUT 4632 Equiluz Mathias Berger Michael
K2 GER 2820 Nowag Max Sybille Endter
K2 SUI 2491 Kipfer Sepp Hellenbroich Gabriele
K3 GER 747 Alvermann Werner
K1 LAT 4022 Malina Guntars Priede Janis
K1 GER 4630 Eyck Uta Kordes Wolfgang
K1 GER 4584 Treichel Sascha Treichel René
K2 GER 2904 Berger Jens Berger Nadine Alina
K3 GER 1000 Kaup Wilhelm
K1 LAT 3685 Gavars Didzis Likais Janis
K1 GER 4044 Albrecht Lothar Langer Margarete
K2 POL 2330 Łapot Mariusz Łapot Mateusz
K2 GER 2757 Böwer Martin
K1 UKR 3819 Asmolov Sergiy Asmolov Stepan
K1 UKR 4045 Golovko Andrii Golovko Elizaveta
K1 LAT 2508 Kamergrauzis Silards Rauza Sandis
K1 GER 4412 Vehling Jan-Hendrik Vehling Ralf
K2 GER 2799 Klein Anton Klein Alex
K1 GER 3849 Lieser Maike Hierl Lisa
K1 GER 4024 Mitrenga Martin Bürger David
K1 AUT 4741 Gussenbauer Ludwig Glaser Sonja
K1 GER 4502 Strahl Maxi Strahl Moritz
K1 GER 3642 Beilhack Sebastian Greif Tobias
K1 GER 4029 Försterling Marlene Försterling Hannah
K1 SUI 4636 Winkelmann Michael Kloss Barbara
K3X GER 1130 Gebhardt Ingo
K2 GER 2558 Nachtwein Jörg Nachtwein Karin
K3X GER 1118 Lotz Gregor
K2 GER 2688 Zank Ralf Zank Ronald
K2 GER 2266 Säger Dirk Säger Paul
K3X AUT 1125 Schmid Gerhard
K2 GER 2117 Rom Wilhelm Schröder Bruno
K1 GER 4116 Kapahnke Karl Schneider Eric
K3 GER 866 Brinkmann Jan
K1 AUT 4638 Traxler Johannes Traxler Daniela
K1 LAT 3554 Šulte Kārlis Šulte Patriks
K1 AUT 4632 Lichowski Konstantin Giesinger Thomas
K1 AUT 4404 Brandstätter Burkhard Brandstätter Fabian
K2 GER 2751 Kruse Albrecht Kruse Christine
K2 GER 2351 Winkler Rolf Boeckel Alex
K1 GER 3987 Haake Gerrit Rohde Jens
K1 GER 4121 Kapahnke Hannah Tonn Hans-Jörg
K1 GER 3872 Zippel Torsten Schneider Frank
K1 LAT 3251 Dvoreckis Ivans Ivanovskis Andrejs
K1 LAT 3417 Zanders Arnis Buls Oskars
K3X GER 2222 Glückstein Mike
K2 GER 2403 Zank Robert Sophie Kirchherr
K3X GER 1129 Stiegler Tim
K3 GER 1073 Feix Paul
K3 GER 1050 Gommel Wolfgang
K2 POL 2258 Tobys Marian Tobys Mateusz
K2 LAT 2125 Blazevics Janis Gencs Valters
K3X GER 1119 Böwer Andreas
K1 AUT 4410 Traxler Sebastian Reiner Matthäus
K1 HKG 4408 Kam Yi Lam April Michelis Jakob
K3 GER 789 Ellerbrock Frauke
K1 HUN 3815 Sándor Eötvös Balazs Toth
K2 POL 3007 Liszek Peter Winiewski Rafal
K1 AUT 4632 Lichowski Konstantin Giesinger Thomas


Topcat Worlds Registration


Please include the sailor's name you accompany during the event. The fee for guests is 100,00 €.


If you have any questions or want to change your registration do not hesitate to contact us via email:



Hypo Vereinsbank
Account: 657060984
IBAN: DE64700202700657060984

Please enter the name of the competing sailor you are traveling with.

T-shirt size

Sailor's name GUEST - Last name First name
Alvermann, Werner Bannow Reinhild
Kaup Wilhelm Kaup Maria
Andreas Kreuzer Nowag Margarete
Liszek Piotr Sylwia Mikolajczyk
ITCA Zietsch Ingrid
Jan-Hendrik Vehling Ruppert Melanie
Jan-Hendrik Vehling Vehling Marlies
Maxi Strahl Strahl Karl-Heinz
Tobias Greif, Sebastian Beilhack Greif Maximilian
Sebastian Beilhack, Tobias Greif Högl Robert
Lotz Gregor Lotz Insa
Schmid Gerhard Schmid Julia
Schmid Gerhard Schmid Elisabeth
Kapahnke Mirko
Lichowski Konstantin Schinewitz Petra
Lichowski Konstantin Schlatter Anna Lena
Brandstätter Burkhard Felder Vanessa
Hans-Jörg Tonn Tonn Silvia
Schneider, Frank Schneider Britta
Glückstein Mike Brucker Tania
Ralf Zank Zank Renate
Ronald Zank Graf Jessica
Feix, Paul Feix Susanne
Feix, Paul Hartung Ulrich
Sascha Treichel Gabriele Treichel
René Treichel Treichel Martina
Wilhelm Rom Rollnik Carolin
Wilhelm Rom Rom Annette
Wilhelm Rom Heide Konrad
Tim Stiegler Kirschenhofer Angela
Mathias Equiluz Hiedl Caroline
Konstantin Lichowski Schinewitz Daniel
Konstantin Lichowski Doppelhofer Lisa
Gerrit Haake Haake Maren